• Deniz Çakır (Shah Sultan) 100th Episode Message!

    Source: www.tims.tv

    Interviewer: "Can we get your views and opinions about the 100th episode?"

    Deniz Çakır: "It was very colourful for me, a very beautiful experience, because it was a period drama, it is not something that is easy to come by on television screens, unlike plays and theatres where we can land similar roles more frequently, but having such a beautiful project on the TV screen, from the costumes, to the sets, despite it being in its third year, still running perfectly. I am very happy to be involved in a project like this. This is actually a rare project in Turkey, whereby we can actually go home at night and eat dinner (with our families); this adds an additional lure to this project as well (as an actor). I am very happy, this is a great production, a peaceful production. Acting the character of a historical character is both very rewarding and also adds a responsibility on my shoulders as well, and we try to do our best in this regard. But it's a good and fun crew we have to work with, and if Allah wills, the show will leave a good impression in the minds of our viewers."

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